Your donations can make all the difference to the community in Mantasoa.
Make a donation.
The opportunities that the community here are able to access only exist due to generous donations from people like yourselves.
You can make a real difference to someone’s life here in Madagascar. Be that providing a young person with a healthy meal, supporting a teacher’s salary and providing other employment.
You can see below the difference your donation could make to the community and information on how to donate.
We are working on other ways you can donate to the School and our projects- in the meantime please get in touch for bank transfer details.
Pays for school meals for 5 children for a week
Pays for the running of our Toddler group for a year with snacks and clothes
Pays for a school teacher for a month
This covers wages, National Insurance, meals, medicines and accommodation
Covers the running costs of Kanana for 1 month.
This would pay for all children’s meals, wages for teachers and ancillary staffing and maintenance on site.